- Emergency Lounge
A site dedicated to the emergency services of the UK
- London's Air Ambulance
- UK Ambulance Forum
For everyone interested in pre-hospital care, UK based with contributors from several continents
- A Life In The Day Of A Basics Doc
Basics doctor who gives up time to provide medical care at the roadside
- Diary of a Transport Attendant
Posts are likely to be of a sarcastic nature with occasional exaggerations and a slight smattering of foul language.
- Dysphoric Mania
Medical student blog
- Emergiblog
Nurse in the San Francisco Bay area
- I am not a drain on society
Anewly qualified baby doctor. Very scared and apprehensive by the whole thing.
- Jeramedic
Paramedic US
- Laura's Blog
Rapid response car driver/pilot
- Medic999 The Life of a Geordie paramedic
- Nee Naw
Nee Naw was a blog about life in the London Ambulance Service control room. It was written by Suzi Brent from 2005 to 2010. The blog is no longer being updated, but the archives remain
- Purpleplus
The Ramblings of a paramedic stretcher monkey
- Rocky Mountain Medic
US ambulance crew blog
- Scotsmedicman
- Siren Voices
Blog from an EMT with an ambulance service in the UK
- SWAB Team 6
SWAB stands for “Special Wounds and Bandages”….an elite unit set up in the United Kingdom made up of mainly ex-military but currently serving Ambulance Service Paramedics and Technicians.
- The EMT Spot
Seven EMS Blogs You Should Read
- The Man on the Clapham ambulance
- The Paramedic's Diary
A record of the working life of a London Ambulance Paramedic.
- The World Through The Eyes of a Paramedic
Blog from a paramedic in the ambulance service outside London
- Trauma Queen
Accident and Emergency Paramedic in Edinburgh
- Why I do this job
Personal journal/ working for the South Central Ambulance Trust
- About Inspector Gadget
- Area Trace No Search
Response team PC working in the South of England.
- One man ans His Plod
front line police officer
- PC Bloggs – a Twenty-first Century Police Officer
Serving policewoman
- Political police
Exposing government interference and political influence where it should not be!!
- Sargeant Simon
Police Blogger
- The Reality of Policing